
Children's Culture Group Project

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Children's Culture Group Project


Each group should sign up for some aspect of children's literature or culture that they would like to research and present to the class. You will be writing a formal proposal for this project, but just list the topic here until you are ready to write the proposal. Include all of your group member's names and email addresses. The proposal should include a tentative outline with its proposed thesis, the texts it will be examining, and the individual assignments of how the work is to be divided.




Kara Adler, Adam Amir, Lauren Blatter, Jodi Schneider - disney movies

Trends in Disney productions: old animated movies based on historical fables, into the 90s more mainstream with sountracks and more adult themes thus the decline in regular animation, commercialization: disney store, B-film sequels, the disney channel, disney radio.









Danielle Ernst (dme05@ufl.edu), Leslie Scott (lescott@ufl.edu), Andrea Sanchez (hvtjp@ufl.edu), Lydel Matthews (lydel@ufl.edu)- The childhood experience in different countries.





I. Introduction

a. Thesis: Childhood in various countries is influenced by many aspects including gender, customs, laws, and systems of education. By comparing the experiences of children living in the United States, Cuba, Ethiopia, and China, the main differences among these cultures are exposed.

II. United States (Danielle)

a. Education

b. Role in society

c. Labor

d. Entertainment

e. Male vs. Female

f. Health

III. Cuba (Andrea)

a. Education

b. Role in society

c. Labor

d. Entertainment

e. Male vs. Female

f. Health

IV. Ethiopia (Leslie)

a. Education

b. Role in society

c. Labor

d. Entertainment

e. Male vs. Female

f. Health

V. China (Lydel)

a. Education

b. Role in society

c. Labor

d. Entertainment

e. Male vs. Female

f. Health

VI. Analysis

VII. Conclusion





Hsiung, Ping-chen. A Tender Voyage: Children and Childhood in Late Imperial China. Stanford University Press: Stanford, California. 2005.

Kinney, Anne Behnke. Representations of Childhood and Youth in Early China. Stanford University Press: Stanford, California. 2004.

1. "Preschool education in Cuba.(Brief Article)(Statistical Data Included)." Childhood Education 78.6 (Sept 15, 2002): 363(4). Expanded Academic ASAP. Thomson Gale. University of Florida. 14 Nov. 2006


2. Fernandez, Gaston A. "The Lost Apple: Operation Pedro Pan, Cuban Children in the U.S. and the Promise of a Better Future.(Book Review)." International Migration Review 38.3 (Fall 2004): 1260(2). Expanded Academic ASAP. Thomson Gale. University of Florida. 14 Nov. 2006





Laura Feezor, Chelsey Campbell, Amanda Schafer:

Dr. Seuss: Works in several mediums (books, movies, etc.), themes and audiences, influence and popularity over time.



Thesis: Throughout the years, the Seuss empire has grown into a global phenomenon and is still expanding, the aim of this piece will be to analyze the main aspects of the Seuss trend from a biographical standing, a detailed study of his progression of works and also a glance into the future of the Seuss empire through alternative media.


E-mail addresses:

Chelsey: chelseyc@ufl.edu

Amanda: schafera@ufl.edu

Laura: laura414@ufl.edu


Jennifer Hunt (jen0915@ufl.edu), Melissa Mattson (mattson6@ufl.edu), Crystal Frawley (cfrawley@ufl.edu), Alejandra King (starry26@ufl.edu)- recent trends in children's educational media


Patrick Lynn



Sesame Street - creation, history, trends over history, multiculturalism, affects on society

Daniel Goldin


Nintendo Revolution


Thesis – In 1986, the Nintendo company unveiled a new device that would change society forever; Nintendo's first NES has since spawned into a multi billion dollar industry that is changing a child's life more and more everyday.

I. Conception

A. Arcades

B. First Video Game Consoles (Atari)

C. First home computers


II. History

A. First NES

B. Super NES, Sega Genesis

C. Nintendo 64, Playstation, Sega Dreamcast

III. Trends


A. Advancement of Game Consoles

B. Increasing cost

C. Advent of Internet Gameplay

D. How much has the market expanded?

IV. Effects on society

A. What do children prefer? Outdoors or video games

B. Are video games partly responsible for childhood obesity

C. What kind of advantages does a video game playing society have on a non-video game playing society

D. Overall, is the continuing rise of video game players beneficial or detrimental to society as a whole




Nintendo and Telos: Will You Ever Reach the End?

Peter Buse

Cultural Critique, No. 34. (Autumn, 1996), pp. 163-184.

Stable URL: http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0882-4371%28199623%290%3A34%3C163%3ANATWYE%3E2.0.CO%3B2-4

Poll Trends: The Rise of the New Media (in The Polls)

William G. Mayer

The Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 58, No. 1. (Spring, 1994), pp. 124-146.

Stable URL: http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0033-362X%28199421%2958%3A1%3C124%3APTTROT%3E2.0.CO%3B2-M




The Video Game Revolution




Jeff Biezunski


Evolution of cartoons - history, how they changed, what they have become, will discuss both visual and print cartoons, affect on children....

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