

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 2 months ago

Welcome to pbWiki for AML 2410 American Children's Popular Culture in Literature, Film and Media!


You can edit any page from any internet location just by clicking "Edit" above. We will be using this wiki as a collaborative media tool for our class and group assignments. Try editing NewEditWiki.


Everyone in our class has access to this site, but it is not a public site. You need the password (child) to login. The wiki is available from any computer that has access to the internet.


Since this service is pretty new, it's probably going to be changing a *lot*. I, Cathlena Martin, do not control the server. Please keep your eyes peeled and email support@pbwiki.com if you see anything broken or that you don't like. Thanks! :)


Class hint for writing: "Students tend to be wizards at explaining what they meant and muggles at noticing what they actually wrote."

Don't be a muggle!


Class Postings for Show and Share


Class Sign-ups


Class Reading

  • Nodelman, Perry. Words About Pictures: The Narrative Art of Children's Picture Books. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1988.

The following will open in PDF: http://aml2410.pbwiki.com/f/Nodelman40-76.pdf


Class Webpage


Wiki Introduction


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